All You Need To Know About Diaper Rash

5 months ago 30

It is always tempting to finish a certain chore before doing the next diaper change on your baby.However this can have very bad consequences for your child as it can lead to the development of diaper rash and irritation....

It is always tempting to finish a certain chore before doing the next diaper change on your baby.However this can have very bad consequences for your child as it can lead to the development of diaper rash and irritation.

Just like in adults,skin sensitivity differs from baby to baby and you do not know how sensitive your baby's is so extra care must be taken to prevent skin problems.

Diaper rash is one of the most common and dreaded skin problems, good thing is it can be perfectly prevented.Here is all you need to know about diaper rash.

What is diaper rash?

Also know as irritant diaper dermatitis, diaper rash is an inflamation on the skin around the diaper area of your baby (thighs,bottom and genital area).Usually it appears as a patch of red soft skin.

What are the symptoms?

You can easily identify it by the skin signs .As mentioned above it appears  a soft bright red patch of inflammation around the diaper area.Of importance is to always remember that it shoudn't be too severe otherwise consult your doctor immediately.Again if the rash comes along with a fever or unusually high body temperature then medical attention should be sought immediately.
Baby is unusually uncomfortable,cries or screams more than normal.Although this is a crucial point ,what is most important is to physically check your baby during bath time or nappy change.

Common causes of diaper rash

Infrequently changed nappies

The main cause of this type rash is infrequently changed nappies.When nappies are not changed on time ,the stool and urine in the nappies can cause infection because they contain bacteria .Care should always be taken to ensure that nappies changed regularly throughout the cause of the day.

Use of cheap quality diapers 

Eveyone wants to save money where possible but when it comes to baby diapers I always recommend that you get the best for your baby for obvious reasons.Cheap quality diapers do not have the capacity to hold as much urine as possible .Using these can expose your baby to infection causing bacteria for longer periods  of time.

Tight fitting diapers

It is always a good idea to allow a good airflow in your baby's diaper .Most babies are affected by rash simply because there is not enough air coming into the diaper .lack of air in the diapers promotes the multiplication of bacteria .

Sensitive skin

Some babies have skin that is naturally more sensitive than normal .This as a result will cause the development of rash even with the least irritation.

Change of diet

When you start feeding your baby with more solid food frequently,the stool composition also changes and sometimes this can sometimes promote the growth of bacteria.

How can I prevent diaper rash
As I mentioned before,this kind of rash can be prevented .Here are the simple ways to prevent diaper rash .

1. Always change nappies on time .Do not exceed three hours witouth changing diapers.It may be tempting to first finish your duties but you may be exposing your baby to rash.

2. Ensure that baby's bottom is completely wiped out of any stool or urine before putting a fresh nappy .Always use wipes that are 99% water and fragrance free.if you cannot afford baby wipes water works just fine ,just make sure to pat dry baby's bottom with a soft towel.

3. Use of ointment and petroleum jelly is also recommended .Before putting on a fresh diaper apply some petroleum jelly to form a protective layer ,this way bacteria will not penetrate your baby's skin .

4. Do not use tight fitting diapers.If your child is having rash more frequently ,you consider using one size up of diapers.This will allow more air flow and bacteria will not build up.If you use the correct size make it is not too tight.

What treatments can I use 

Here is a list the most recommended treatments for diaper rash .(please seek medical advice from your skin doctor before using any of these medicines)

Karaya powder
Triple paste and lotrimin

Although not yet fully proven ,a lot of practitioners have been quoted  saying that human breast milk can be used to treat rash in babies .Well I would say its worth a try because it will not harm your baby either .We do not advise you to start using medicines on babies so unless the rash too severe to be treated using other means do not use medicines.If the situation does not improve in at most three days please consult your doctor .

*All information in this article should not be used to replace professional medical help.

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