MLB’s Radio Streams Still Suck

3 weeks ago 13

There's an erectile dysfunction doctor in Winnipeg, Manitoba who makes liberal use of a rooster sound effect in his advertisements. Outside that decision, the argument he makes in those ads is totally sound. If your truck broke down, he says, you'd go to the best mechanic available. So if your [rooster noise] stops working, you'd also like it to be treated by the best. The rooster reprises its part multiple times before the allotted 30 seconds expire. This information is stored in my brain because I sometimes listen to Winnipeg Jets games on the "radio." I put that in quotes only because I'm not using a literal radio, with a dial and an antenna and such. On the NHL's app, one can stream the radio broadcasts of every team when they're in action, and this feature has been a godsend to me as a blogger on the go who's not necessarily able to sit in front of the TV every night but still wants to keep tabs on the league. If it's nighttime, I have internet service on my phone, and my headphones are in (which they constantly are), there's a good chance I'm following a game.

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